

Kijkt u ook eens op Koken met Krullen

Kijkt u ook eens op Koken met Krullen




Bergström, Tromp, Steenbergen, Gunter en Bimmels, Arvids Stamboom, total 3900 persons, as far as to the year 1450, mostly The Netherlands, some Germany and Sweden...

FOTO"S Stamboom



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Welcom to my website with alot information about my family-tree. On this page you can see the index of my website. By clicking on the black-white logo you can return.


Nieuw : alle nakomelingen van Sven Larsson Bergström, 1832

New: all the decendents of Sven Larsson Bergström, 1832




Grafische overzichten / graphical overviews

Genealogische achtergrond


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If you have any question, remarks or suggestions or you need special informtion, please type it in the box below. Then press "Verzend" (send in Dutch) and the message wil be emailed to me. Thank you